Legal news - Benoît LAFOURCADE
French corporate lawyer : a role overview
A French corporate lawyer mainly deals with international business transactions. In selecting French corporate lawyers, multinationals doing deals or operating in France seek to maximize : Expertise Efficiency. Quality of work product.
ReadWhat can you expect from a French lawyer?
Since 1992, French lawyers can be divided in two categories: Legal advisors, (“conseillers juridiques”), Litigators, (“avocats plaidants”). As French Lawyers can practice in these two kind of activities, they are a unique support in the legal domain. Let’s explain why.
ReadHow to create a simplified joint stock company in France?
Many foreign companies would like to invest in France and to create a French company, like a simplified joint stock company (SAS) but finally abort their project by a lack of knowledge.
ReadA comparative guide to english and french companies
Choosing the right country to start your company is paramount towards its success. Your expenses can vary greatly, depending on a country’s setting up costs or the taxes on various business enterprises.
ReadReal Estate
Delcade advises on all issues of real estate law, particularly within real estate acquisition, vineyard properties, estates, farms, houses, general buildings.
ReadCorporate restructuring in France through changes in capital shareholding
Corporate restructuring is the process of redesigning legal, ownership, operational and other aspects of a company.
ReadTax optimization of a French company acquisition
Any French company acquisition needs to be tax optimized by your French lawyer. The mechanism of fiscal leverage implies that the holding company borrows to acquire securities of the target French company.
ReadLiability of company directors and sole traders in france
To start and run a business in France, you have the choice to either operate a business as a sole trader (called an “entreprise individuelle”) or to establish a private limited company.
ReadA time of opportunity for US private equity in the EU
It is important for every American private equity investor seeking EU opportunities to understand and take guidance on the unique nature of the EU internal market and the unique regulatory environment governing EU private equity transactions.
ReadRaising Capital in France: A Guide for Foreign Companies
France is a very attractive location for foreign companies seeking to raise funds for European expansion or other activities or needs.
ReadShareholder agreements in France: an overview
Shareholders’ agreements are very commonly used in France, especially in private equity transactions.
ReadBuying a winemaking estate in France: things to remember
Buying a French winery can be an attractive opportunity for those wishing to produce wine for export, however anyone considering buying a winemaking estate in France must be sure that they fully understand the many special features of such a transaction.