Legal news - Benoît LAFOURCADE
Trade secrets directive
In July 2018, France enacted new legislation to strengthen protections for trade secrets. The law—entitled the Loi du 30 juillet 2018 relative à la protection du secret des affaires—is the first piece of French legislation expressly guaranteeing trade secret protection.
ReadFrench employment law update – foreign companies: few traps you should be aware of
For most foreign investors, operations in France are often a source of insecurity when it comes to social matters like « Prud’hommes » litigation or URSSAF reassessments. But other areas with significant financial implications are less known to employers.
ReadResearch tax credit (RTC)
A measure in favor of research and development activities (R&D) The RTC is annual, regardless of the date on which the financial year ends The RTC rate is : 30 % on research expenses not exceeding 100 million euros (or 50% in oversea departments) 5 % on research expenses exceeding 100 million euros Purpose of […]
ReadDoing business in france – simplified stock company
Foreign corporations or individuals that intend to expand their activities to France should, at first, decide what business type is best suited to their objectives.
ReadJoint venture in france: “sas” legal form may be a good option
A contractual joint venture is often only a first step and a vehicle for future expansion. In France, co-operation within the framework of a joint venture can be organized in three different ways.
ReadFrench tv licensing (transmission via cable and satellite)
Delcade Law Firm has acquired a solid experience in French TV licensing and French TV media law.
ReadFrench subsidiary vs french branch & french liaison office
The most common options for foreign companies establishing a business presence in France are: Setting up a Liaison Office in France (bureau de liaison). Incorporating a French Subsidiary (filiale). Setting up a local French Branch (succursale).
ReadConflicts with a french shareholder: how to escape a joint venture
Generally, French joint ventures with a foreign shareholder are secured with deadlock resolution mechanisms. A number of methods are considered in order to break deadlocks of varying degrees, including:
ReadFrench corporate lawyer: a required business partner
In selecting French corporate lawyers, multinationals doing deals or operating in France seek to maximize : Expertise;Efficiency;Quality of work product
ReadEstablishing a business in France: avoid the pitfalls with a French lawyer
Establishing a business in France is easy and can be successful if carefully prepared with a French lawyer.
ReadA good way to enter the French market: the acquisition of a French company
Starting a business in France or Europe can be long and time consuming. The acquisition of a French company can be a good solution for the immediate benefit of an operating business in France and Europe.
ReadJoint venture in France: « SAS » legal form may be a good option
A contractual joint venture is often only a first step and a vehicle for future expansion. In France, co-operation within the framework of a joint venture can be organized in three different ways