Jean-Philippe Chenard
Member of the Paris bar since 2000, Jean-Philippe worked in leading French and Anglo-Saxon firms renowned for their practice in economic and distribution law (EY Law, TLBM, Wilhelm & Associés) before founding the firm Chenard & Associates. In 2020 he joins DELCADE as a Partner.
His area of expertise covers all distribution contracts and commercial negotiation between the various distribution players.
He has developed a recognized competence in the area of distribution networks (franchise, partnership, selective distribution, brand license, affiliation commission, cooperative, etc.), which leads him to advise heads of networks and master franchisees, in France and abroad on international level.
Chairman of the legal committee of IREF – Federation of European Franchise and Partnership Networks – he leads, in this capacity, numerous workshops on the development of network contracts and alternative contractual formulas to franchising.
Jean-Philippe holds a DEA (Master 2 research) in private law and a DESS (Professional Master 2) in law and engineering of franchise and distribution networks.