Video game development tax credit

Tax law

On May 26, 2015 By Fabrice DELOUIS

This favorable tax regime applies to all video games that :


  1. The tax credit, calculated each year, is equal to 20% of the total amount of expenses directly attributed to the creation of the video game.
  2. The tax credit is limited to 3 million euros for each financial year.


The tax credit has to be deducted from the amount of taxed income of the company for the year during which the expenses have been made,

In order to benefit from this tax measure, the company has to ask for an authorization.

Expenses eligible for this tax credit have to have been made between the date of the reception by the CNC of the temporary authorization request and the date of the constitution of the final authorization request, regardless of the time of release of the video game.

5 types of expenses are eligible :

Fabrice Delouis
Fabrice DELOUIS Co-founder & partner

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