France Baumert


france baumert

France is a Counsel attorney who assists a diverse clientele consisting of individuals and corporations. She advises her clients on matters of wealth tax, corporate tax, and real estate tax in the context of managing their daily tax issues, as well as their restructuring and investment projects. France also provides assistance during tax audits and litigation.

France is involved in all aspects of corporate law and has developed expertise in commercial leases. A member of the Paris Bar since 2006, France holds a DJCE (Diploma of Corporate Legal Advisor) and a DEA in business law and taxation from Robert Schuman University – Strasbourg III. She began her career in 2005 at Landwell & Associés (PwC Law), before joining Monceau Avocats, where she practiced for nine years. After contributing to the creation of Largo Avocats, France joined DELCADE in 2024 as a Counsel attorney. She works fluently in French, English, and German.

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